This week, Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) released 2015 building energy performance data for over 3,300 properties reporting data through Seattle’s Energy Benchmarking program. Overall, the data is showing an increase in building energy efficiency and drop in energy consumption. As Seattle aims to lead the nation in fighting climate change, the city is making data publicly available to create a long-term market demand for energy efficient buildings, protect tenant interests, and reward high performers.
Detailed building performance data is now available through the City of Seattle’s Open Data portal where users can download, sort, or filter the data. The portal displays a wide range of both building information—such as address, floor area, age, and building use characteristics—as well as energy performance metrics like energy use intensity (EUI), ENERGY STAR score, and greenhouse gas emissions.
The City of Seattle also developed a data visualization mapping tool to allow the public to quickly explore individual building performance and compare buildings across the city. Users can filter buildings by location, age, building type, and key energy performance metrics to learn more about the buildings in Seattle’s Energy Benchmarking program.
The release of benchmarking data builds on the Office of Sustainability and Environment’s commitment to increasing the accessibility of building performance information to motivate city-wide energy efficiency improvements. For these efforts, last week OSE received the 2017 ENERGY STAR® Award for Excellence in Data Innovation.
Learn more about the importance of data transparency here.
Read more about the ENERGY STAR award here.
Explore the 2015 benchmarking data here.