Peak residential water rates are in effect from May 16 through September 15 each year. Peak rates incorporate a three-tiered rate structure with progressively higher rates as water consumption increases over a 60-day billing period. For example, the first 10 CCF (or 7,480 gallons) costs $4.43 per CCF. The second tier rate (for up to 26 CCF) increases to $5.15 per CCF.
During the warmer, drier summer months, we depend on water stored in our mountain reservoirs to meet customer demand while leaving enough water in the rivers for fish. The tiered rate structure helps to ensure that we all help conserve water.
So, what can you do to save water and money?
Check out the Saving Water Partnership site for lots of great information, rebates and tips on saving water. In addition, Seattle Public Utilities has new income guidelines for receiving up to 2 free low-water use toilets, including installation! Learn more at their site.