Neighborhood Matching Fund fall grants were announced on December 3, with over $2 million being awarded to groups for both Large Projects (up to $100,000) and Small and Simple Projects (up to $20,000).
Among the many great awards this fall (PDF) to groups working to better our community, there were several Small and Simple projects with an environmental sustainability focus, including young workers in the green economy, a beehive and pollination garden at Commons Park P-patch, completion of plans for a new park on Capitol Hill, communal cooking space for South Park residents focusing on healthy local foods, marine mammal education and “Year of the Seal” events in Alki Beach, and Nature Consortium’s Arts in Nature Festival taking place next August.
Recipients of the Neighborhood Matching Fund match their awards through a combination of locally raised money, donated materials and expertise, and volunteer labor. On average, community volunteers invest $1.69 of donations and sweat equity for every $1 of taxpayer support.
Have a great idea for making your neighborhood more livable and sustainable? The next grant round will be in early spring, so keep an eye on the NMF website for more information.