re-posted from Bottom Line
Understanding what your customers and neighbors really think about shopping and buying local can have a profound impact on the way a company does business – and help the company fine-tune its strategies to compete against non-local chains and corporations. As part of a new event series, Seattle Good Business Network is hosting ‘What Seattle Really Thinks About Local,’ on June 5 to present the results of a major, exclusive survey examining the perceptions and attitudes of Seattle and King County residents when it comes to spending money with local, independent businesses. The Office of Economic Development provided support for research that will give you a first hand look at:
• How Seattle/King County residents define the term “local”
• The importance of buying from locally owned businesses compared to other decision factors
• How much more, if any, residents are willing to spend on local options
• How attitudes differ by key demographic and psychographic factors
• The key implications for your business