That’s right, there’s an official Battery Recycling Day, it’s this Friday. Been saving batteries because you didn’t want to throw away? Have some old cell phones you haven’t donated yet? Here’s your chance to recycle them with Call2Recyle’s second annual battery recycling event at Westlake Park from 10 am -2 pm.
It’s not just a day to drop things off to recycle either – there will be some fun to be had! John Curley, Emmy Award-winning former host of King 5 TV’s Evening Magazine, will be on hand to meet guests as they drop off batteries. He’ll also take part in the Tip the Scale Challenge. “I’m excited to see if Seattleites can collect enough batteries to lift me off the ground,” says Curley. “Come on down, bring your batteries and do your part to make Seattle even greener.”
What is the Tip the Scale Challenge? Collected batteries and cellphones will be placed on Call2Recycle’s custom-built, super-sized 16-by-9-foot scale. Each battery donated brings the scales closer to lifting celebrity John Curley off the ground.
Come on Seattle, join the festivities and let’s tip that scale!