***Repost of Friends of the Cedar River Watershed press release June 25***
Bring your family and friends to view salmon migrating through our own community. Trained volunteer naturalists will be stationed at the Chittenden (Ballard) Locks on June 29, July 6, and July 27 between 11am and 3pm to teach about our local salmon’s annual journey from the ocean through Lake Washington and up the Cedar River to spawn.
Visitors will learn of the intersections between people and salmon and challenges that salmon face in today’s world, from climate change to habitat loss and changing ocean conditions. Salmon Journey coordinator, Charlotte Spang, states, “the fate of Cedar River salmon is directly tied to the choices people make. By providing an opportunity to connect the community with this magnificent species, we hope to raise awareness of how each of us can take steps to ensure their survival.”
This year’s sockeye return has started off strong with over 23,000 fish counted in the first eight days of the run, and is raising hopes that we may see a larger run than expected. Numbers of returning sockeye have been low over the past several years; 2009 was the lowest on record since counting began in 1972. Early reports from the Locks are encouraging with sockeye crowding the fish ladder and excited visitors watching them.
Join in and learn more about our local salmon populations and what you can do to help.
The Cedar River Salmon Journey at the Locks is sponsored by Friends of the Cedar Watershed, Seattle Aquarium, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Seattle Public Utilities in partnership with the City of Renton, Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish (WRIA8), Salmon Recovery Council and is funded by King County Flood Control District.
These events are free and open to the public. For more information please contact: charlotte@cedarriver.org