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Northgate Urban Design Framework – Ready for Review

dpds022287The Northgate Urban Design Framework (UDF), developed with extensive community input, is now available for review. Please share your thoughts via the accompanying survey.  This will help the city identify the most important priorities for improving the area south of Northgate mall to make it more healthy, livable, and aesthetically attractive. With your input the area will become a lively and expanded district for living, working, and entertainment, adding to Thornton Place.

The deadline for your input on the draft UDF is September 30. In addition to taking the survey you may:

• Email:
• Phone: (206) 684-8375
• Mail: Seattle Department of Planning & Development, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019

The UDF’s guidance will help to:

• Improve pedestrian and bicycle connections to and from the transit center
• Make transit transfers more convenient
• Encourage attractive and engaging public spaces and streetscapes
• Increase access to affordable housing
• Strengthen the community’s sense of place
• Create a healthy and sustainable community

For more information about the UDF visit the project website.