The public is invited to a FREE screening of the award-winning documentary Trashed. The film follows Academy Award–winner Jeremy Irons as he sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, traveling around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution.
What: Free screening of documentary “Trashed”
Where: McCaw Hall at Seattle Center
When: Tuesday, October 29, 7 pm – 8:30 pm (Doors open at 6 pm. Seating is first-come, first-served)
Think it’s not our problem?
Since 1991, Seattle’s trash has made a 320-mile trip by train to a landfill in Eastern Oregon. The train is a mile long and double stacked. If the containers were lined up, their length would be more than 11 times the height of the Columbia Tower! We produce enough trash that the train runs six days per week, 52 weeks per year and carries an estimated 18 million pounds of waste each trip. Discover more about our local garbage with Where Does Your Garbage Go?
This screening is sponsored by Seattle Public Utilities and Cedar Grove Compost.