A bikeable city is one where people of all ages and abilities ride bicycles for any trip purpose because it is a convenient, fun, safe, and healthy transportation option. Over the next 20 years, Seattle will add approximately 100,000 new people and jobs within the city limits. One way to accommodate this growth will be bicycle investments, done in conjunction with other transportation improvements, to improve the city’s livability, affordability, public health, transportation choices, and economic competitiveness for all residents. The Bicycle Master Plan charts a path to these outcomes.
Upcoming Presentations & Dates:
- SDOT presentation to City Council Transportation Committee on Tuesday, December 10
- Special meeting of the City Council Transportation Committee on Wednesday, December 11, to take public input on the recommended plan
- Additional deliberations by City Council on the recommended plan will occur in early 2014; dates of subsequent meeting will be posted on the project website.