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Making Improvements in the Duwamish Valley

Last year, Seattle launched the Duwamish Valley Program (DVP) to ensure that Duwamish Valley residents, workers, and businesses thrive and share the benefits of the City’s growth, investments, and environmental work. The program is driven by racial equity outcomes, community input, community-led plans, and reflects many goals and strategies applicable to the Duwamish Valley already included in other City efforts, such as the Equity & Environment Agenda, Equitable Development Initiative, and Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

This year, the DVP has partnered with community groups to engage more than 350 residents, workers, and business owners of South Park and Georgetown in order to ensure that community priorities are front and centered in this work. We are committed to inter-departmental collaboration and advancing projects with multiple benefits. For example, OSE, SPU, and SDOT contracted the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps (a local youth training program) to serve as consultants on a tree canopy enhancement project in the Duwamish Valley. Not only will the project improve and increase tree canopy in the Duwamish Valley, but includes aspects of youth training, capacity building, social cohesion, and economic opportunity!

In the next few months, we will continue to collaborate with community members to develop the Duwamish Valley Action Plan, a City-community shared vision to promote collaboration and guide the City’s work and investments in the Duwamish Valley for years to come. The plan will include specific actions and recommendations related to a healthy environment, public safety, parks & open spaces, community capacity, mobility & transportation, economic opportunity, and affordable housing. If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions, contact Alber­to J. Rodríguez at