If you are committed to centering community needs in the City’s environmental work and improving environmental, health and economic conditions for our communities, apply to the Environmental Justice Committee!
Formed in 2017, the Environmental Justice Committee (EJC) strives to uplift those most-affected by environmental inequities. The EJC centers community ownership in decision-making, environmental program/policy design and Equity & Environment Agenda implementation while enhancing partnerships with City departments and better connecting community-based solutions into government.
The EJC consists of twelve members from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise in working with communities of color, immigrants and refugees, Native and Indigenous peoples, and low-income residents and individuals with limited English proficiency. Members increase their understanding of City environmental programs and receive funding to bring their learning back to their communities. Committee terms last two years during which members participate in retreats, monthly meetings and leadership development opportunities.
Applications are due November 15th.
More details are included in the application materials (below). Contact equityenviro@seattle.gov with any questions.
Application Guidance
Environmental Justice Committee Application