The City of Seattle is now accepting applications for three positions on the Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board, an 11-member body that makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on programs and services to fund with the Sweetened Beverage Tax revenue.
Beginning in 2018, the City of Seattle started taxing sugary drinks distributed within the city. The tax was designed to improve the health of Seattle residents by reducing the sales and consumption of sugary drinks. In addition, the tax revenue is being used to support programs and services that increase access to healthy, culturally relevant food and support child health and development in communities most affected by food, health, and educational inequities.
The ordinance that created the Sweetened Beverage Tax (Ordinance 125324) also created the Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board (CAB) to advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on the programs and services to be supported by the tax. The CAB is composed of 11 members who are passionate about race and social justice and committed to centering communities most impacted by health and economic inequities when advising the City and developing recommendations on issues related to food access and child health and development. Members must live or work in Seattle and are appointed by the Mayor or City Council into one of the following type of positions defined in the ordinance:
- Food Access Representatives: Three members have experience implementing community-based programs dedicated to expanding healthy food access and food security;
- Community Representatives: Two members represent populations who are disproportionally impacted by diseases related to the consumption of sugary drinks, with preference given to a parent of a student in the Seattle School District or a child in a Seattle-based early learning program, or a youth representative aged 16-24;
- Public Health Representatives: Four members have expertise in public health and nutrition with experience managing, researching, or evaluating programs related to the health effects of consuming sugary beverages, particularly among children and their families;
- Early Learning Representatives: Two members have expertise in education and early learning, with an emphasis on learning from birth to age five.
Each year, the Community Advisory Board:
- develops budget recommendations for the Mayor and City Council on programs and services supported with Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) revenue.
- advises the City on implementing SBT-funded programs and services.
- engages with City departments, City Council, and other committees, boards, and commissions to advocate for community-identified approaches to increase food access and support early child development.
- engages with community stakeholders and other issue area experts to inform budget recommendations.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in collaborating with a team of community leaders working on food access, child health and development, and racial justice, please apply by June 20, 2021. For information on the open positions and to access the application, please visit our website.
For more information, questions or assistance with the application process please contact Hannah Hill at