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Posts tagged with OSE Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Greenspace

Getting to Know OSE’s New Interim Director, Jessyn Farrell

We sat down with new Interim OSE Director Jessyn Farrell to ask a series of questions ranging from Seattle’s climate strategy to how OSE will continue advancing climate justice all the way to what’s your favorite donut shop. We’re excited for what’s to come at OSE and Seattle and are… [ Keep reading ]

2022 Seattle Community Partnership Grant Program Now Accepting Applications

Note: This application is now closed. King Conservation District (KCD) and Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) are excited to announce that the 2022 Seattle Community Partnership Grant Program is now accepting applications! There is a little more than $700,000 in funding available from KCD and each proposal can request up to $75,000…. [ Keep reading ]