Looking for some relaxing ways to spend time with Mom for Mother’s Day? Here are some great ideas to get outside and experience some of our area’s natural beauty.
Happy Mother’s Day!
- Low tides this weekend make for great beach walks, including ones lead by Parks naturalists at Discovery and Carkeek Parks.
- Have you ever explored the Cedar River Watershed and education center? This weekend’s your chance to get outside and experience it through a mix of all-day field tours, hikes, history walks and family waterfall tours. More tours in June as well!
- In addition to being Mother’s Day this weekend, it’s also World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday. This annual event raises awareness of the need to protect migratory birds and their habitats. You can join the celebration at a Magnuson Park event from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Audubon and others.