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Watch Your Watering – Peak Water Rates in Effect Now

water-droplet-iconPeak residential water rates are in effect from May 16 through September 15 each year. Peak rates incorporate a three-tiered rate structure with progressively higher rates as water consumption increases. During warmer months, we depend on water stored in our mountain reservoirs to meet customer demand while leaving enough water in the rivers for fish. Peak water rates encourage customers to use water wisely.

2014 Residential Water Rates

Water Usage Inside Seattle Outside Seattle Shoreline and Lake Forest Park
Off-Peak Usage (Sept. 16 – May 15)




Peak Usage (May 16 – Sept. 15)
First-Tier: Up to 10 CCF in 60 days




Second-Tier: Next 26 CCF in 60 days




Third-Tier: Over 36 CCF in 60 days




Note: One ccf equals 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water.