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Posts categorized under Caleb Stipkovits, Author at Greenspace

Recognizing Milestones and Renewing Commitments to Improve the Quality of Life in Seattle’s Duwamish Valley

The Duwamish Valley Program is celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan! A shared City-community vision for environmental justice and equitable development, we are proud to be part of five years of coordination, collaboration, and the implementation of City projects informed by community to improve the quality… [ Keep reading ]

Transportation Electrification Blueprint Brought Electric Regional Busing, EV Charging Stations, Greener Streets, and more to Seattle in 2023 

Transportation is Seattle’s leading cause of climate pollution, accounting for nearly two thirds of the City’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Unsustainable transportation pollutes air and water ways and disproportionately affects Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) populations. In 2021, the City of Seattle released the ambitious Transportation Electrification (TE)… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle’s Environmental Justice Fund Awards $1 Million in Grants for 17 Community-Led Projects, Largest Amount Ever Granted 

Duwamish River Opportunity Fund Awards Additional $271K to Organizations That Improve the Health and Quality of Life of Duwamish Valley Residents Seattle, WA – The City of Seattle’s Office of Sustainability & Environment (OSE) is excited to announce $1,000,000 will be awarded through the Environmental Justice Fund (EJ Fund) to… [ Keep reading ]