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Posts tagged with climate resilience Archives - Greenspace

City of Seattle Awarded $5.5 Million from FEMA to Install Air-Conditioning at Five Library Branches 

Seattle is feeling the impacts of climate change now — from the extreme heat earlier this summer, to the dangerous wildfire smoke to come. Extreme weather harms the health and wellness of Seattle residents, particularly communities of color who are hit first and worst. As the City of Seattle works… [ Keep reading ]

An Interview with Resilience Hubs Advisor Bin Jung 

Resilience hubs are trusted community-serving facilities that support residents in everyday life. Resilience hubs help foster social cohesion and connection amongst community members to prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate change impacts happening now and in the future. These hubs include nonprofits, youth development centers, and faith-based organizations. … [ Keep reading ]

Recognizing Milestones and Renewing Commitments to Improve the Quality of Life in Seattle’s Duwamish Valley

The Duwamish Valley Program is celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan! A shared City-community vision for environmental justice and equitable development, we are proud to be part of five years of coordination, collaboration, and the implementation of City projects informed by community to improve the quality… [ Keep reading ]

Duwamish Valley Program – Mid-Year Update 2023 

This year marks a big year for the Duwamish Valley Program. In June of 2018, the City released the Duwamish Valley Action Plan, which has been our north star as we coordinate City investments in South Park and Georgetown. This summer, the Action Plan celebrated its 5th year anniversary of… [ Keep reading ]

The Mayor’s 2024 Mid-Biennial Budget Update continues Seattle’s dedication to community-driven initiatives for climate justice. 

By Jessyn Farrell, Director of Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment  Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell is releasing the 2023-2024 Proposed Mid-Biennial Budget Adjustments. This budget reflects Mayor Harrell’s continued commitment to, and investment in, bold actions that address urgent needs of our communities and advance our One Seattle priorities. Mayor… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle awarded $12.9 Million to plant trees, create jobs, advance climate justice, and restore forested places near schools, parks and low-income housing

Seattle – Recognizing the City’s leadership on advancing tree equity and a healthy canopy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service recently awarded $12.9 million to the City of Seattle to plant and maintain trees where people live, learn, and play to combat extreme heat and climate change, improve access to… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle and Residents Respond to Unprecedented, Climate Change-Fueled Flooding in South Park

The climate crisis – and its consequences – are not just a future challenge but clearly felt right now in Seattle as heavy rains have pushed the Duwamish River over its banks and flooded numerous homes and businesses in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood. South Park is a frontline community for… [ Keep reading ]

This week’s heat wave, and what we’re doing about it

Seattle is in the midst of a record-setting heat wave, with high temperatures forecast to reach the low 90s each day through Saturday. (You can see the National Weather Service’s latest forecast for downtown here.) Evenings will not offer much respite from the heat. As our climate changes, extreme weather… [ Keep reading ]