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New Metro Trip Planner – Try it out!

Metro has updated their trip planner tool! The beta version is online now and they are soliciting feedback. Give it a whirl and send any comments to metro.  

Apply Now for Seattle PARK(ing) Day!

Create your own park this September 20 from 9AM to 3PM! PARK(ing) Day happens every third Friday in September and is an opportunity for artists, activists, and community members to temporarily make parking spaces into parks. The event raises awareness about important issues like creating a walkable, livable, healthy city…. [ Keep reading ]

Next Steps for Seattle’s Innovative Community Power Works Program

The City of Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) announced this month that it will partner with Clean Energy Works to develop a business plan and explore funding opportunities for the next phase of Community Power Works, the City’s energy efficiency upgrade program. Clean Energy Works will collaborate with… [ Keep reading ]

Battery Recycling Day, June 28

That’s right, there’s an official Battery Recycling Day, it’s this Friday. Been saving batteries because you didn’t want to throw away? Have some old cell phones you haven’t donated yet? Here’s your chance to recycle them with Call2Recyle’s second annual battery recycling event at Westlake Park from 10 am -2… [ Keep reading ]

How We Roll – Your Thoughts Wanted on Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan Update

The Seattle Department of Transportation is now accepting comments on the update to the Bicycle Master Plan. The comment period is open until July 26 and although the open houses have wrapped up, there is still plenty of time to review the draft plan and presentation materials (and other comments they’ve… [ Keep reading ]

OSE’s Bike to Work Team Saves 890 Pounds of Carbon Pollution

In this year’s record-breaking Bike to Work Challenge, nearly 15,000 riders from 1,870 teams pedaled for over 1.7 million miles! The Office of Sustainability and Environment’s (OSE) 8-member team (40% of the office participating) biked more than 900 miles total (the distance from Seattle to Fresno, CA) and finished in… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Summer Streets and Bike to Work Celebration May 31

Tell your neighbors, tell your friends! Friday, May 31 is a party in Ballard! This free event opens the city’s largest public space – its streets – so people can walk, bike, roll, run, skip and shop – without having to watch out for cars! Summer Streets is partnering with… [ Keep reading ]

Walking, Biking, Riding News

The month of May is passing quickly and a lot of folks have been participating in the Bike to Work Commute Challenge (way to go!). Lots of other great opportunities are coming up to keep the momentum going. Have you heard about Seattle Neighborhood Greenways? It’s a growing volunteer coalition… [ Keep reading ]

Greener Sports Events

Maybe you’ve thought to yourself as you tossed an empty cup or bag of peanut shells into the garbage at a sporting event, Wow, if all the people here could put this in a food waste bin instead, that’d mean a lot less garbage in the landfill. Much of it… [ Keep reading ]

FREE battery recycling Sat., April 13

If you’ve been keeping a bunch of used batteries around the house because you didn’t want to throw them in the trash, now’s your chance to safely recycle them for free! On Saturday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can recycle the following types of batteries at… [ Keep reading ]