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Posts categorized under Duwamish Valley Program Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Greenspace

Mayor Durkan Announces More Than Eight Million in Investments To Support The Duwamish Valley In 2022 Budget Proposal

Community members joined Mayor Durkan and City staff at the Duwamish Waterway Park to announce and celebrate these investments On Friday, September 24, 2021, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced more than $8.5 million in proposed 2022 budget investments to support the Duwamish Valley neighborhoods of South Park and Georgetown.    Investments will center around expanding youth leadership… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating the Resilience of Seattle’s Duwamish Valley

2020 Duwamish Valley Program Update & Progress Report By Alberto J. Rodríguez (OSE) & David W. Goldberg (OPCD) Resilient communities have called the Duwamish Valley home since time immemorial — from the fishing and winter campgrounds of the Duwamish Tribe to the first European settlers in the Pacific Northwest, up… [ Keep reading ]

City to Create a ‘Resilience District’ with Award from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Seattle Receives $600,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to Continue Community-Led Health, Equity, and Climate Change Adaptation Work in the Duwamish Valley The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has awarded the City of Seattle a $600,000 grant to work with community partners in the Duwamish Valley on a strategy… [ Keep reading ]

Duwamish River Festival, Aug. 23

Come celebrate Seattle’s river this Saturday, August 23, at the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition’s ninth Duwamish River Festival! Bring friends & family for music, dance, food, boating, information, and urban water connections. This is a FREE event! The event is still looking for volunteers – sign up and give a little time… [ Keep reading ]

Apply by June 2 for Lower Duwamish Green Grants

[Repost of April 21 King County News Release ]  King County is again offering grants to fund small-scale environmental projects that support the cleanup and protection of the Lower Duwamish Waterway and nearby neighborhoods.  Non-profit community groups, tribes, and schools are encouraged to submit applications, which are due by 5 p.m…. [ Keep reading ]