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City’s First Rooftop P-Patch Community Garden

Community members are invited to participate in designing a P-Patch community garden on the roof of the Mercer Garage at Seattle Center.  In partnership with neighborhood volunteers and Seattle Center, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is developing a new P-Patch community garden on top of the Mercer Garage at 3rd Avenue N… [ Keep reading ]

10 Tips to Reduce Food Waste During the Holidays

The Climate Progress blog has a great post on how you can reduce food waste during the holidays. In many cases, the tactics you take to reduce food waste are also the same tactics that nutritionists recommend to help you control your diet. It’s a win-win for folks!

2011 Trees for Neighborhoods Program a Huge Success

The 2011 Trees for Neighborhoods program was a great success! The program provided 1,000 trees to Seattle residents for planting in their yards and planting strips. Altogether, 75 fruit trees, 400 small trees, and 525 medium to large trees were given out (see map graphic below for distribution). 135 of… [ Keep reading ]

National League of Cities Follows Seattle’s Lead and Adopts Farm Bill Resolution

SEATTLE – The National League of Cities (NLC) passed a far-reaching resolution, “Supporting Healthy Food, Public Health, and Sustainability Practices in the 2012 Farm Bill,” calling for a new Federal Farm Bill that emphasizes supporting regional food systems, healthy food, sustainable agriculture, and social justice for farmers and farm workers…. [ Keep reading ]

Climate Action Plan at Great City Brownbag this Thursday!

Staff from the Office of Sustainability & Environment will lead a discussion on the Seattle Climate Action Plan at the next Great City brownbag this Thursday, November 10 at noon. The Seattle Climate Action Plan will lay out a roadmap for how Seattle can become a carbon neutral city by… [ Keep reading ]

Free Conifers to Plant in Your Yard

Trees for Neighborhoods has re-opened applications for conifers to be planted in yards of Seattle residents. Trees can be picked up on Saturday, November 12th at Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands. Available trees include Deodar cedar, Weeping Alaska cedar, Shore pine, and Western red cedar. You can find out… [ Keep reading ]

Local food movement benefits Seattle

Many great things are going on in Seattle and our region to create a sustainable and healthy food system that works for everyone. Innovative programs, such as training homeless youth to grow food or providing fresh food options in “food deserts,” benefit our community in a variety of ways –… [ Keep reading ]

Changes to Seattle’s Shoreline Rules

A required update to the City’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP) is underway and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) just released the second draft of the updated regulations. The SMP includes the goals, policies and regulations that govern land use and activities within the Seattle Shoreline District. Seattle’s Shoreline District includes the Duwamish River,… [ Keep reading ]

How do YOU think we should tackle climate change?

On October 3, the City Council unanimously passed a resolution that put Seattle on a path toward reducing our net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the year 2050. Seattle is one of a handful of cities in the world to formally adopt carbon neutrality as a goal. The Office… [ Keep reading ]

The Seattle Transit Master Plan Needs Your Feedback!

SDOT will be hosting 5 open houses this fall to share information about the TMP Draft Summary Report and to get feedback from the community. If you care about transit, please plan on attending to learn about the draft plan and share your thoughts. The Draft Summary Report can be… [ Keep reading ]