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Posts tagged with racial equity Archives - Page 4 of 10 - Greenspace

Share your thoughts on the City of Seattle’s Food Action Plan before August 26

Note: This survey has closed. The City of Seattle is updating its 2012 Food Action Plan, our roadmap for an equitable, sustainable, and resilient local food system that supports healthy, vibrant communities. We are seeking public input on the draft plan until August 26.  The food system touches nearly all… [ Keep reading ]

King Conservation District Seattle Community Partnership Programs Awards $761,000 to 13 Organizations

King Conservation District (KCD) and OSE are continuing their longstanding collaboration to invest in natural resource improvements that are led by or in deep partnership with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. KCD received 35 applications from amazing community organizations requesting over $2.4 million dollars in funding. The program… [ Keep reading ]

Overcoming Challenges & Building Opportunities Together

2021 Duwamish Valley Program Update & Progress Report By Alberto J. Rodríguez (OSE) & David W. Goldberg (OPCD) It is no secret the last couple of years have been extremely challenging. But, due to the incredible grit, perseverance, and community leadership, we have overcome many challenges and built opportunities —… [ Keep reading ]

Food Equity Fund now accepting proposals for funding

Department of Neighborhoods Funds available to support community-initiated projects working to advance food equity Note: This application is now closed. Seattle’s Food Equity Fund is now accepting applications for Tier Two grants that support community-based organizations working to address food education, access, and security. Grant funds will be prioritized for projects… [ Keep reading ]

Three Positions Available: Apply by 2/24 to Join the Urban Forestry Commission

The City of Seattle is now accepting applications for three positions on the Urban Forestry Commission, a 13-member body established to advise the Mayor and City Council around policy and regulations related to protecting, maintaining, and preserving trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. There are three open positions:… [ Keep reading ]

2022 Seattle Community Partnership Grant Program Now Accepting Applications

Note: This application is now closed. King Conservation District (KCD) and Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) are excited to announce that the 2022 Seattle Community Partnership Grant Program is now accepting applications! There is a little more than $700,000 in funding available from KCD and each proposal can request up to $75,000…. [ Keep reading ]

2021 OSE Year in Review

Letter from Interim Director, Michelle CaulfieldDear OSE Friends & Colleagues, The start of a new year is always a time of reflection – an opportunity to consider the past year and look boldly toward the opportunities ahead. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, OSE hit the ground running in 2021, working with City departments… [ Keep reading ]

City to Create a ‘Resilience District’ with Award from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Seattle Receives $600,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to Continue Community-Led Health, Equity, and Climate Change Adaptation Work in the Duwamish Valley The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has awarded the City of Seattle a $600,000 grant to work with community partners in the Duwamish Valley on a strategy… [ Keep reading ]

Passionate About Environmental Justice? Join Seattle’s Environmental Justice Committee!

Are you committed to centering community needs and improving environmental, health and economic conditions for our communities? Are if you interested in working toward shifting power to community to further advance the City’s environmental work? If so, consider applying to the Environmental Justice Committee! The Environmental Justice Committee (EJC) centers… [ Keep reading ]

Managing Seattle’s Urban Forest – Seeking Feedback

Deadline for public comment is November 30, 2020. Managing Seattle’s roughly 15,000 acres of tree canopy is no easy task. Urban trees grow on every landscape across the city – including public and privately-owned properties, street rights-of-way, and natural areas – all together making up Seattle’s urban forest. The City… [ Keep reading ]