The Seattle Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) is looking for new members! We are seeking applicants who are passionate about improving the care and management of Seattle’s urban forest and tree canopy to benefit communities disproportionately impacted by climate change and limited canopy cover in their neighborhoods. Ideal candidates will have skills and experience working with diverse community groups to identify common ground and shared priorities.
The UFC aims to have a holistic understanding of the City’s urban forest in order to make meaningful and effective recommendations for the maintenance and expansion of our tree canopy. The UFC brings together a diverse set of backgrounds and areas of expertise to engage multiple viewpoints to work together.
Available Positions
Position #1 – Wildlife Biologist
Position #3 – Natural Resource Agency or University Representative
Position #5 – Arborist
Position #6 – Landscape Design/Architecture, ISA Certified
Position #11 – Environmental Justice Representative
Position #12 – Public Health Representative
About the Commission
The Urban Forestry Commission was established in 2009 by Ordinance 123052 to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle. The City set the bold goal of achieving 30 percent canopy cover by 2037 to increase the environmental, social and economic benefits trees bring to Seattle residents. The 2021 Tree Canopy Assessment showed Seattle had 28.1 percent canopy cover, an absolute decrease of 0.5 percent from 2016. The UFC helps the City protect and grow our canopy by providing recommendations to the City on various aspects of urban forestry, including budget and resource needs, management approaches, and goals and objectives.
Commission meetings are held once a month on the second Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Members must live or work in Seattle, serve without compensation, and generally commit approximately eight to ten hours per month to Commission business.
How to Apply
If you are interested in collaborating with a team of community leaders working to improve the care and management of Seattle’s tree canopy while centering communities most impacted by health and environmental injustices, please get more information and apply by September 12 on the UFC website.
For questions, please contact Patti Bakker, Urban Forestry Commission Coordinator, at patricia.bakker@seattle.gov.