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April is Here – It’s Time for Spring Clean!

Time to don some grubby sweatshirts and workboots and round up the neighbors to help spruce up the neighborhood. It’s Spring Clean time in Seattle! Spring Clean—held each year in April and May—is Seattle’s premier clean up event. Spring Clean provides opportunities for citizens to clean up Seattle’s public open… [ Keep reading ]

Call for Community Climate Action Projects!

WHAT WE ARE SEEKING Seattle residents are passionate, committed and creative when to comes to making Seattle—and the world—better places. As individuals and as a community, Seattleites have helped our community become a national and international leader in sustainability. And, we know the community has more great ideas about… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Building Energy Benchmarking and Reporting Program Grace Period Announced

Grace period announced for buildings 10,000 sf or greater (including multifamily buildings of 5 or more units) have at least until October 1, 2012 to comply and annually on April 1st thereafter. Please note: We are currently undergoing additional program evaluation and are considering staggered reporting deadlines based on building size. This… [ Keep reading ]

City Light Strategic Plan Discussions – March 19 and March 20

Seattle City Councilmember Mike O’Brien, Chair of the Energy & Environment Committee, and Seattle City Light want to hear from you on upcoming changes to City Light that could impact your bill. Join your neighbors at one of the upcoming public meetings. You also can take the online survey to… [ Keep reading ]

World Water Day Film – The River Why – on March 22

The Seattle International Film Festival Cinema at the Uptown Theater presents “The River Why,” a film that has won multiple festival awards. The movie starts at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 22. All proceeds from showing of this film benefit the work of the Partnership for Water Conservation, a nonprofit… [ Keep reading ]

Apply Now for Tree Ambassador Program!

In celebration of the 108th birthday of the late children’s author Dr. Seuss on March 2, Seattle residents are encouraged to become a local Lorax by signing up for the Tree Ambassador training program. Applications are being accepted through April 16 for teams of two to four people to serve as local… [ Keep reading ]

Progress on Seattle’s tree canopy

Working to implement the Urban Forest Management Plan’s (UFMP) goals, City staff adopt annual work plans and issue annual progress reports. The UFMP is a long-term plan for increasing Seattle’s canopy cover from 23% to 30% by 2037.  Staff from the Urban Forest interdepartmental team presented the 2011 progress report… [ Keep reading ]

Office of Sustainability & Environment’s Director Report to Council

Is the Office of Sustainability and Environment still the smallest department at the City? Why does OSE report to two committees? What are the big things on the office’s workplan for 2012? Find out the answers to these and many more questions by viewing the video from today’s Planning, Land Use… [ Keep reading ]

Arborist sought for Seattle’s Urban Forestry Commission

The Seattle City Council is looking for a new Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) member to fill the Arborist role in Position # 5. The term would start upon selection and extend through December 1, 2014. To be considered, applicants must have board certification as a Master Arborist or Municipal Specialist… [ Keep reading ]

Become a Master Soil Builder/Composter this spring!

Every year, Seattle Tilth offers Seattle residents the opportunity to get in-depth training on composting and the many benefits of good soil. After training, you build your skills by volunteering to teach others what you’ve learned. Through eight sessions of hands-on workshops, lecture and discussion, Master Composter/Soil Builders learn to:… [ Keep reading ]