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Philadelphia Joins Seattle and Other Cities with Benchmarking Requirements

Philadelphia, PA recently joined the growing number of places (including Seattle) with benchmarking requirements. It requires energy benchmarking and disclosure for all commercial buildings larger than 50,000 square feet, set to take effect June 1, 2013. Read the IMT Press Release to learn more about Philadelphia’s new law.  Seattle’s benchmarking… [ Keep reading ]

Free Energy Benchmarking Trainings Coming Up

The Energy Benchmarking and Reporting program (Ordinance 12322) requires commercial and multifamily building owners in Seattle to conduct annual energy performance tracking through the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager, a free and secure online tool. We are hosting three upcoming trainings to learn more about tracking your building’s energy use… [ Keep reading ]

New rooftop P-Patch opens at Seattle Center

Community volunteers, along with Mayor Mike McGinn and Councilmembers Sally Bagshaw and Jean Godden, celebrated the opening of the first rooftop P-Patch community garden at a ceremony June 2 on the roof of a city parking garage. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Seattle Center staff joined the festivities on the top level… [ Keep reading ]

Comment on Water System Plan by 5/31

Every six years, Seattle Public Utilities updates the water system plan to address the following questions:  How are we ensuring reliable delivery of high-quality water into the future? How could climate change impact that outlook? What is the right level of water conservation? How much do we need to invest… [ Keep reading ]

Peak water rates in effect May 16

Peak residential water rates are in effect from May 16 through September 15 each year. Peak rates incorporate a three-tiered rate structure with progressively higher rates as water consumption increases over a 60-day billing period. For example, the first 10 CCF (or 7,480 gallons) costs $4.43 per CCF. The second… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Convenes Green Ribbon Commission

Mayor McGinn convenes Green Ribbon Commission First announced in 2012 State of the City Address, Commission to advise City on climate action strategies SEATTLE – Mayor Mike McGinn today announced a Green Ribbon Commission to steward development of the Seattle Climate Action Plan. Co-chaired by Denis Hayes, President of the… [ Keep reading ]

Preliminary Climate Action Strategies Released

The Seattle Climate Action Plan Technical Advisory Groups presented their preliminary recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation, land use, building energy and waste sectors to City Council on Monday, April 23, 2012. The Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are comprised of experts in the transportation, building energy, waste… [ Keep reading ]

Public Invited to Comment on Power Resource Future

As it plans to provide for the community’s future energy needs and meet state renewable energy requirements,  Seattle City Light wants to hear your ideas on what the mix of power sources should be. Three meetings are scheduled to hear from the public: April 12 from 5 to 6 p.m…. [ Keep reading ]

The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Value of Building Reuse

Please attend a free presentation on April 20th on the recently released report from the Preservation Green Lab, “The Greenest Building, ”a life-cycle analysis conducted by the Preservation Green Lab of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Green Building Services and Cascadia Green Building Council. The presentation is open to anyone… [ Keep reading ]

BloomSeattle – An Evening of Sustainable Innovation

Bloom! is Seattle’s Green TED – an evening of innovative speakers working in the three areas of sustainability: social, environmental, and economic. There will be eight speakers (short, 10 minute talks) and plenty of time for networking. When: April 5, 2012. Doors opens at 6pm. Speakers start 7pm. The bar… [ Keep reading ]