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Electrification Fair Showcases Appliances as City Expands Rebate Program for Residential Heat Pumps 

Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) partnered with El Centro de la Raza and the Switch Is On to host a Home Electrification Fair on Tuesday at the Centilia Cultural Center. The fair featured cooking demonstrations using induction stoves, electric appliances such as heat pumps, and information on City… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Awarded $5.5 Million from FEMA to Install Air-Conditioning at Five Library Branches 

Seattle is feeling the impacts of climate change now — from the extreme heat earlier this summer, to the dangerous wildfire smoke to come. Extreme weather harms the health and wellness of Seattle residents, particularly communities of color who are hit first and worst. As the City of Seattle works… [ Keep reading ]

Perfil destacado de un beneficiario del Fondo para la Justicia Ambiental: Seattle’s LGBTQ+ Center  

En todo Estados Unidos, la raza de la persona es el factor de predicción más significativo de vivir cerca de aire, agua o suelos contaminados. Por este motivo, en 2017 se creó el Fondo para la Justicia Ambiental de Seattle, con el fin de apoyar iniciativas que beneficien y estén lideradas… [ Keep reading ]

Environmental Justice Fund Grantee Spotlight: Seattle’s LGBTQ+ Center  

Across the United States, race is the most significant predictor of a person living near contaminated air, water, or soil. It is for this reason that Seattle’s Environmental Justice Fund was created in 2017 to support efforts that benefit and are led by, or in partnership with, those most affected… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Hosts First Bloomberg Green Festival, Leaders Discuss Climate Solutions 

Seattle just hosted the first-ever Bloomberg Green Festival! The Office of Sustainability (OSE) was happy to join thousands of people from across the United States to learn about climate and sustainability solutions. Seattle’s Mayor Bruce Harrell was a keynote speaker and OSE Director Jessyn Farrell was named a “Green Champion”… [ Keep reading ]

An Interview with Resilience Hubs Advisor Bin Jung 

Resilience hubs are trusted community-serving facilities that support residents in everyday life. Resilience hubs help foster social cohesion and connection amongst community members to prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate change impacts happening now and in the future. These hubs include nonprofits, youth development centers, and faith-based organizations. … [ Keep reading ]

Join OSE and the City of Seattle at the Bloomberg Green Festival at Seattle Center from July 10th-13th With Discounted Tickets! 

Alongside world-renowned experts, the Bloomberg Climate Festival will engage attendees in solution-driven experiences around areas including sustainability, design, food, technology, and more. You can now purchase tickets with a 30% discount at the festival’s website by using the promo-code OSE30 at checkout. Tickets provide access to workshops, indoor and outdoor… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle’s Fresh Bucks Program Reached 12,000 Seattle Households with Fruit & Vegetable Benefits in 2023 

“An investment in food security is an investment in the health of our city. Fresh Bucks continues to do critical work connecting families in our city to a reliable path to nutritious food and building an equitable, sustainable, and resilient local food system. Through partnerships with organizations that center community… [ Keep reading ]

Perfil destacado de un beneficiario del Fondo para la Justicia Ambiental: Braided Seeds (una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la educación y las actividades recreativas al aire libre)

En todo Estados Unidos, la raza de la persona es el factor de predicción más significativo de vivir cerca de aire, agua o suelos contaminados. Fue por esto que en 2017 se creó el Fondo para la Justicia Ambiental de Seattle (Fondo EJ) con el fin de apoyar esfuerzos que… [ Keep reading ]

Environmental Justice Fund Grantee Spotlight: Braided Seeds

Across the United States, race is the most significant predictor of a person living near contaminated air, water, or soil. For this reason, Seattle’s Environmental Justice Fund (EJ Fund) was created in 2017 to support efforts that benefit and are led by, or in partnership with, those most affected by… [ Keep reading ]