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Posts categorized under Climate Action Archives - Page 28 of 28 - Greenspace

OSE Director at C40 Climate Summit

Councilmember Mike O’Brien and Jill Simmons, Director of the Office of Sustainability and Environment, are representing Seattle at the C40 Summit in Sao Paulo.  The C40 Large Cities Climate Summit is a conference that brings together every two years mayors from all over the world to discuss actions and practices… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets this Weekend!

Come to a party in the street! Imagine the possibilities. Summer Streets show how livable city streets can be when opened to people and bikes. There are two Summer Streets events coming up this weekend – one in Ballard and one on along Alki. For three hours… [ Keep reading ]

F5 Bike to Work Day – May 20

Looks like we’re going to have some great weather this Friday for F5 Bike to Work Day! F5 Bike to Work Day is a great day to ride for the first time, because no matter where you’re riding from, you won’t be alone. Commuter Stations and experienced riders along major… [ Keep reading ]

Rebates to Upgrade Your Appliances

Reduce your energy use – which reduces your carbon footprint – by upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. Seattle City light offers rebates to help.

Bill Gates Talks Climate Change

At the Climate Solutions breakfast on May 10.  Watch the conversation here.

Act Now to Opt-Out of Phone Book Delivery!

17,500 tons of unwanted paper—100 pounds per household—delivered each year! The City of Seattle now offers a free and simple online registry system that will allow Seattle residents and businesses to choose whether they receive yellow pages phone books.  But you need to act fast if you want to… [ Keep reading ]

May 3, Community Kick-off for Community Power Works for Home

You are invited to the community kick-off celebration for Community Power Works for Home – a program to help make your home more comfortable, efficient and healthy. Join your central and southeast Seattle neighbors and the City of Seattle at South Shore School on May 3, 2011. The event will… [ Keep reading ]

Community Power Works for Home Launched

The Community Power Works for Home program launched on Tuesday, April 19 at the home of a Genesee Park couple who are early participants in the program. Mayor Mike McGinn chose Earth Week to launch Community Power Works for Home, a neighborhood program that will create good, green jobs and… [ Keep reading ]