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Two Positions Available: Apply by 2/17 to Join the Urban Forestry Commission 

Note: This application is now closed. Commission meetings are held twice a month on the first and third Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Meeting participation options include joining remotely via Webex application (with access via either phone or computer) or in-person at the Seattle Municipal Tower.   The City of… Filed Under: Climate Action, Greenspace, Protecting Seattle's TreesTagged With: , , ,

City of Seattle’s Environmental Justice Fund Awards $750,000 in Grants for 13 Projects Led by and Benefiting Those Most Impacted by Climate Change

The City of Seattle’s Office of Sustainability & Environment (OSE) is pleased to announce $750,000 will be awarded through the Environmental Justice Fund (EJ Fund) to 13 community-led projects designed to benefit those most impacted by environmental and climate inequities, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, refugees, people with low… [ Keep reading ]

Next Steps and Additional Analysis of the 2021 Tree Canopy Cover Assessment 

Trees are a critical part of Seattle’s infrastructure that provide essential benefits to our environment, health, and well-being. Trees manage stormwater, provide shade and reduce heat, improve our health, and provide habitat for our wildlife. Healthy tree canopy also contributes to the character and beauty of our city while helping… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle has reached a milestone of providing more than 1,000 rebates and no-cost upgrades to help low-to-middle income switch to an energy-efficient electric heat pump!

The City of Seattle has hit another milestone in its commitment to environmental and climate justice and a greener city – reaching 1,000 rebates offered to transition homes from oil-to-electric heat! Targeting climate pollution in buildings is one of the City’s priorities, and the Clean Heat program rebates incentivize and… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s New Transportation and Climate Justice Executive Order to Reduce Climate Pollution from our Largest Source of Emissions

On Wednesday, December 7, Mayor Bruce Harrell signed a new Executive Order directing City departments to work together to prioritize and expand actions that equitably reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) within the transportation sector. Actions are designed to invest in and build resilience among communities that are hardest… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle and Residents Respond to Unprecedented, Climate Change-Fueled Flooding in South Park

The climate crisis – and its consequences – are not just a future challenge but clearly felt right now in Seattle as heavy rains have pushed the Duwamish River over its banks and flooded numerous homes and businesses in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood. South Park is a frontline community for… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Signs Executive Order Directing City Departments to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transportation Sector and Support Those Most Impacted by the Climate Crisis 

READ: One Seattle Transportation and Climate Justice Executive Order Two-Pager  On Wednesday, December 7, Mayor Bruce Harrell signed a new Executive Order directing City departments to work together to prioritize and expand actions that equitably reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) within the transportation sector. Actions are designed to… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Launches New ‘Climate Portal’ to Track and Visualize Climate Emissions Using Updated Neighborhood-Level Data

The Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) is excited to debut the first components of a new map-based website, featuring dashboards that track building and transportation greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across Seattle neighborhoods. As called for in the Green New Deal Resolution (Res 31895), the site will be updated on… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s Green New Deal Wins Global Recognition and Award at the C40 World Mayors Summit

On October 19, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell accepted an award from C40 Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies for the critical work Seattle is doing to advance community-driven, tangible climate action and justice through the Green New Deal. Seattle was nominated for “Building a Climate Movement” alongside other projects reflecting ambitious city-led… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Releases 2020 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Showing Pandemic-Spurred Declines in Building and Transportation Sector Emissions

Seattle’s 2020 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory finds a marked decrease in greenhouse gas emissions since the prior 2018 report, the majority of which are likely temporary and primarily attributed to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Seattle GHG inventory tracks emissions over three key sectors: transportation, buildings, and waste…. [ Keep reading ]