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City of Seattle Community Grant Portal

Have an idea to enhance your community? Need help with funding to make it happen? The City of Seattle may be able to help. It offers a wide variety of opportunities, including the Trees for Neighborhoods program, to support community projects. To make it convenient for community members to learn… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Edible Garden Tour

Ballard’s 3rd annual edible garden tour takes place Saturday, June 25 from 10 am to 3 pm. Come get some inspiration for your home veggie garden. See examples of creative planting strips, containers, raised beds, fruit trees, berries, beehives, chicken coops and more! Visit a dozen gardens within walking distance… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Solar Day, June 19

This Sunday is Seattle Solar Day, a free event open to all! Learning workshops, high school project demonstrations and more happening from 10 am to 3 pm at the Seattle Convention Center. Come find out how a solar installation can benefit your home or business.

Seattle Featured in BetterBuildings Case Study

BetterBuildings, a program of the Department of Energy, provided the funding for Seattle’s multi-sector energy efficiency program, Community Power Works. CPW was recently featured in a BetterBuildings case study to highlight the great work Seattle has done so far to launch the program and engage a wide variety of partners in… [ Keep reading ]

Top 10 Climate-Ready Cities in the U.S.

In this article just out today, Seattle was ranked second in a list of 10 U.S. cities taking action to combat climate change and prepare for its impacts. The ranking is based on a variety of factors, including leadership, transit and green buildings.

Public meetings for University Heights Open Space

Seattle Parks and Recreation and University Heights Center for the Community invite you to meet with the design team, HBB Landscape Architects, for the University Heights Open Space project. Parks will present design options for your new neighborhood park and wants to hear from you about the different designs. First… [ Keep reading ]

OSE Director at C40 Climate Summit

Councilmember Mike O’Brien and Jill Simmons, Director of the Office of Sustainability and Environment, are representing Seattle at the C40 Summit in Sao Paulo.  The C40 Large Cities Climate Summit is a conference that brings together every two years mayors from all over the world to discuss actions and practices… [ Keep reading ]

Start watering your trees!

It’s hard to believe, but the rain is letting up and hopefully our gorgeous summer is around the corner. While this is good news to people, it can be bad news to a young tree. Seattle’s hot, dry summers are hard on young trees. To make sure your young trees thrive… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Farm Bill Principles resolution

On Monday, the Seattle City Council adopted resolution 31296, supporting the Seattle Farm Bill Principles as policy guidance to the Federal Government in the renewal of the 2012 Farm Bill. The policies, programs and funding included in the 2012 Farm Bill will affect how successful Seattle can be in achieving… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets this Weekend!

Come to a party in the street! Imagine the possibilities. Summer Streets show how livable city streets can be when opened to people and bikes. There are two Summer Streets events coming up this weekend – one in Ballard and one on along Alki. For three hours… [ Keep reading ]