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Seattle and C40 Cities Carbon Emissions Report

The C40 is comprised of 40 of the world’s largest cities leading together on taking action to combat climate change. For the first time in history, half of the world’s people live in cities and roughly 12 percent of the world’s carbon emissions are produced in our metropolitan areas. This… [ Keep reading ]

Tree Ambassadors Hard at Work

Seattle’s urban forest is one of our most important assets – after all, we are the Emerald City. Our urban forest consists of all the trees in the city, including those along our streets, in our parks, and in our yards. Urban forests play an important role providing shelter to… [ Keep reading ]

Feedback Wanted on Climate Change Actions!

OSE will be updating the Seattle Climate Action Plan starting this fall. The City is committed to doing its part to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to take us further down the path of a healthier, more sustainable Seattle. In order to achieve this goal, we need… [ Keep reading ]

New Electric Cars Join City’s Fleet

Mayor McGinn was joined on July 13 by City Councilmember Jean Godden, City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco, and Greg Smith, founder and CEO of Urban Visions and owner of Stadium Nissan to introduce the first five all-electric Nissan Leafs to the City’s fleet. Seattle is one of a handful of… [ Keep reading ]

Energy Innovation Forum Event – July 22

Check out City Club’s latest event in their Environment and Sustainability luncheon series:  “The Once – And Future? – Promise of Energy Innovation” on Friday, July 22. How can we continue to make progress on attaining a renewable energy future and how do we get there? Speakers include Councilmember Hilary Franz, Bainbridge… [ Keep reading ]

Sustainability is Good Business

Faced with the rising costs of business-as-usual, Seattle building owners and property managers are coming together to prove that sustainability is not only better for society and the environment, it’s profitable too! The Seattle 2030 District is creating a collaborative model for how to build a vibrant “green” economy, with… [ Keep reading ]

Help Shape How Seattle Grows

By 2031, it is projected that Seattle will gain at least 120,000 new residents and 115,000 new jobs.  Seattle needs to plan on how to leverage that growth to its advantage – responding to critical challenges such as climate change, building on major transit investments in recent years,… [ Keep reading ]

Seward Park Centennial Celebration, July 16 & 17

Seward Park celebrates its centennial the weekend of July 16 and 17 with a car parade and show, historic fashion show, a sale at the clay art studio, a home garden tour, a pie-eating contest, antique hydroplanes on display, and much more! Within the Seattle city limits, Seward park boasts… [ Keep reading ]

Grow food downtown this summer with Parks & Seattle Tilth

If you live near downtown Seattle and want to learn about growing food, this summer is your chance. Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Seattle Tilth to help apartment and condo residents learn how to grow food in containers and even compost! Classes started in May… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Becomes Founding Member of Seattle 2030 District

Today, the City of Seattle joined local businesses to form a unique public-private partnership to increase energy efficiency of commercial buildings, the Seattle 2030 District. The Seattle 2030 District is an effort of more than 40 civic leaders including building owners and professionals, utilities, Architecture2030, the City of Seattle, and King… [ Keep reading ]