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Tips to Manage Stormwater at Home

In big storms, excess stormwater can cause sewer backups, or pollute and erode our streams. We can all help reduce runoff and pollution with simple RainWise practices. Find out more about how you can help manage stormwater at home. Why be RainWise? Reduce flooding Protect property Restore our waters, for… [ Keep reading ]

Are YOU Ready for the Wet Weather?

Fall is officially upon us and as it’s traditionally a pretty wet season for Seattle, now is the perfect time to take a few steps to prepare for the coming season. Periods of intense rain can lead to flooding without warning, but there are a few simple things you can… [ Keep reading ]

Save Some Green When You Green Your Business

Seattle Public Utilities Resource Venture program offers free tools and assistance to help Seattle area businesses conserve resources and prevent pollution. Learn how your business can reduce costs, gain a competitive edge, and contribute to a clean and healthy community. Save Money Find available rebates, useful publications, how-to guides, manuals, regulatory help,… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Living Building Challenge: All About Schools!

Seattle has led the nation in embracing the Living Building Challenge in schools through two groundbreaking efforts that occurred this year: April 15, 2013 — the Bertschi School in Seattle received full Living Building Challenge certification for its new science wing, making it the first project on the West Coast to… [ Keep reading ]

Salmon on the Move – Learn About Their Journey at Ballard Locks

***Repost of Friends of the Cedar River Watershed press release June 25*** Bring your family and friends to view salmon migrating through our own community. Trained volunteer naturalists will be stationed at the Chittenden (Ballard) Locks on June 29, July 6, and July 27 between 11am and 3pm to… [ Keep reading ]

Rain Gardens and Cisterns and Swales, Oh My!

Hundreds of millions of gallons of polluted water from rain storms (“stormwater”) flow into Seattle’s creeks, lakes, and Puget Sound every year – runoff that contains bacteria from sewage overflows and toxins like petro-chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals from our yards and cars. “Green stormwater infrastructure” (GSI) helps prevent this… [ Keep reading ]

Comment on Water System Plan by 5/31

Every six years, Seattle Public Utilities updates the water system plan to address the following questions:  How are we ensuring reliable delivery of high-quality water into the future? How could climate change impact that outlook? What is the right level of water conservation? How much do we need to invest… [ Keep reading ]

Peak water rates in effect May 16

Peak residential water rates are in effect from May 16 through September 15 each year. Peak rates incorporate a three-tiered rate structure with progressively higher rates as water consumption increases over a 60-day billing period. For example, the first 10 CCF (or 7,480 gallons) costs $4.43 per CCF. The second… [ Keep reading ]

Changes to Seattle’s Shoreline Rules

A required update to the City’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP) is underway and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) just released the second draft of the updated regulations. The SMP includes the goals, policies and regulations that govern land use and activities within the Seattle Shoreline District. Seattle’s Shoreline District includes the Duwamish River,… [ Keep reading ]

SPU asking for customer feedback

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is reaching out to the public to ask their thoughts on on plans to reduce waste and improve recycling, food and yard waste composting, and other solid waste services. How we manage our waste (both individually and on a municipal level) is a critical component to… [ Keep reading ]